The Magic Snowflake / L'Apprenti Père Noël et le flocon magique (2013) - Trailer English

  • il y a 10 ans
Directed by : Luc Vinciguerra
Produced by : Gaumont Alphanim
Genre: Animated film - Runtime: 1 h 22 min
French release: 20/11/2013
Production year: 2012

This time it's official: Nicholas is the new Father Christmas. A major responsability for a little seven-year-old boy! But two days out from his first tour, Nicolas must deal with a terrible crisis: all around the world, the magic of Christmas is fast disappearing and he's the reason why. Because Nicolas has caught Big Personitis, the disease of children who want to grow up too quickly. Former Father Christmases advise that he should be immediately removed from his post. To keep his place and to save Christmas, Nicolas must rediscover the innocence, freshness and carefree nature of childhood. Fortunately, the Spirit of Christmas watches over him and puts a magic calendar in his path. For Nicolas, this is the beginning of a journey full of surprises through the calendar's 24 doors.

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