Stop Smoking Hypnosis Mark Roberts Hypnosis

  • 14 years ago How would you like to stop smoking easily and effortlessly?

If you're a smoker then you are quite literally playing a very dangerous game of Russian roulette each and every time you light up a cigarette!

* There are over 120,000+ smoking related deaths in the UK alone on a yearly basis!

* That's equivalent to at least 330 smoking related deaths each and every day.

* It has been shown that at least 50% of all regular smokers will die early because of their deadly habit.

* Smokers in their 30's and 40's have five times as many heart attacks as non smokers in the same age group.

* Smoking can be the cause of bad breath, makes your clothes, home, car and furniture stink and can be a major turn off for members of the opposite sex!