Glow-in-the-Dark Toilets Coming Soon

  • 11 years ago
Canada unveils glow-in-the-dark toilets.

Using the bathroom in the dark can be…..well, complicated.

A Canadian entrepreneur is proposing a solution to the problem by creating a unique toilet seat. What it does is easy, illuminating in the dark, allowing users to clearly see their business.

Tim Fittler is the mind behind NightGlow Toilet Seats, a range of glow-in-the-dark potty seats, which are designed and manufactured in Windsor, Ontario. Retailing for about $50, Fittler hopes to expand his customer network to nursing homes and hospitals.

The NightGlow Toilet Seats will reportedly stay lit for more than eight hours and require very minimal amounts of light to charge the seat. They can utilize sunlight along with fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs to glow.

Last year, another toilet, made by the Japan-based company, Lixil unveiled an application for Android phones. Toilet users can not only flush, but lift the seats by picking up their phone.

The app also allows owners to see their previous....well, no other way to put it..... toilet history to monitor electricity and water consumption. Music can be streamed using built- in speakers.
